.. _stars: Stars ========================== THEMA is a Python package designed to provide a structured approach to creating and managing a universe of different unsupervised projections of data. At the core of THEMA lies the concept of ``Stars`` which are base class templates for atlas (graph) construction algorithms. **Simple Targeted Atlas Representation (STAR)** The starGraph class serves as a base template for constructing atlas representations of data. By enforcing structure on data management and graph generation, starGraph enables a universal procedure for generating these objects. This base class provides a foundation for implementing various graph generation algorithms. **JMAP Star Class** The :ref:`JMAP Star Class` is a custom implementation of a Kepler Mapper (K-Mapper) algorithm into a Star object. This implementation allows users to explore the topological structure of their data using the Mapper algorithm, which is a powerful tool for visualizing high-dimensional data. The JMAP Star Class generates a graph representation of projections using Kepler Mapper, offering insights into the complex relationships within the data. Star Functionality ----------------- Star Class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: thema.multiverse.universe.star :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: StarGraph Class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: thema.multiverse.universe.starGraph :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. _jmapStar: jmapStar Class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: thema.multiverse.universe.stars.jmapStar :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: