.. _outerSystem: Outer System ========================== The ``thema.multiverse.system.outer`` module provides essential functionality for managing and exploring high-dimensional data through projection algorithms. At the core of this module is the ``COMET`` class, which serves as a base template for projection algorithms, enforcing a structured approach to data management and projection. This enables a universal procedure for generating projection objects. The ``Oort`` class, a key component of the ``system.outer`` module, generates a space of projected representations of an original, high-dimensional dataset. While navigating this space of projections can be challenging, our tools facilitate easy exploration and interpretation of the data. :ref:`Comet Class: ` A base class template for projection algorithms, enforcing structure on data management and projection. :ref:`Projectiles: ` Support for creating ``Comet`` subclasses. Thema currently supports three projection methods: - Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction (:ref:`UniformMAP`) - T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (:ref:`TSNE`) - Principle Component Analysis (:ref:`principCA`) :ref:`Oort Class: ` Generates a space of projected representations of high-dimensional datasets, aiding in data exploration. Usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - **Creating and Managing Projections:** Use ``Projectiles`` class to create and manage a universe of different unsupervised projections of your data. - **Unlocking the Multiverse of Representations** Use ``Oort`` to handle the space of multiple data projections .. _comet-class: Comet Base Class ----------------- .. automodule:: thema.multiverse.system.outer.comet :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. _projectiles: Projectiles ----------------- Create and manage the universe of different unsupervised projections of your data. We have decided to support three standard dimensionality reduction methods: - Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction: `UMAP `_ - T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding: `t-SNE `_ - Principle Component Analysis: `PCA `_ .. hint:: - An interactive overview of the key differences between UMAP and t-SNE projections: `UMAP vs. t-SNE `_ .. _UniformMAP: UMAP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: thema.multiverse.system.outer.projectiles.umapProj :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. _TSNE: t-SNE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: thema.multiverse.system.outer.projectiles.tsneProj :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. _principCA: PCA ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: thema.multiverse.system.outer.projectiles.pcaProj :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. _oort-class: Oort Class ----------------- .. automodule:: thema.multiverse.system.outer.oort :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: