User Guide

The User Guide covers all of pandas by topic area. Each of the subsections introduces a topic (such as “working with missing data”), and discusses how pandas approaches the problem, with many examples throughout.

Users brand-new to pandas should start with

For a high level summary of the pandas fundamentals, see

Further information on any specific method can be obtained in the

How to read these guides

In these guides you will see input code inside code blocks such as:

import pandas as pd
pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3]})


In [1]: import as px

In [2]: df =

In [3]: df
     sepal_length  sepal_width  petal_length  petal_width    species  species_id
0             5.1          3.5           1.4          0.2     setosa           1
1             4.9          3.0           1.4          0.2     setosa           1
2             4.7          3.2           1.3          0.2     setosa           1
3             4.6          3.1           1.5          0.2     setosa           1
4             5.0          3.6           1.4          0.2     setosa           1
..            ...          ...           ...          ...        ...         ...
145           6.7          3.0           5.2          2.3  virginica           3
146           6.3          2.5           5.0          1.9  virginica           3
147           6.5          3.0           5.2          2.0  virginica           3
148           6.2          3.4           5.4          2.3  virginica           3
149           5.9          3.0           5.1          1.8  virginica           3

[150 rows x 6 columns]

The first block is a standard python input, while in the second the In [1]: indicates the input is inside a notebook. In Jupyter Notebooks the last line is printed and plots are shown inline.

For example:

In [4]: a = 1

In [5]: a
Out[5]: 1

is equivalent to:

a = 1
