# File: multiverse/system/inner/moon.py
# Last Update: 05/15/24
# Updated By: JW
import pickle
import warnings
import category_encoders as ce
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from ....core import Core
from . import inner_utils
class Moon(Core):
The Moon: Modify, Omit, Oscillate and Normalize.
The Moon data class resides cosmically near to the original raw dataset.
This class handles a multitude of individual preprocessing steps helpful
for smooth computation and analysis farther downstream the analysis pipeline.
The intended use of this class is simplify the cleaning process and
automate the production of an imputeData dataframe - a format of the
data fit for more expansive exploration.
The Moon class supports standard sklearn.preprocessing measures for
scaling and encoding, with the primary additive feature being supported
imputation methods for filling N/A values.
data : pd.DataFrame
A pandas dataframe of raw data.
imputeData : pd.DataFrame
A pandas dataframe of complete, encoded, and scaled data.
encoding : list
A list of encoding methods used for categorical variables.
scaler : str
The scaling method used.
dropColumns : list
A list of columns dropped from the raw data.
imputeColumns : list
A list of columns with missing values.
imputeMethods : list
A list of imputation methods used to fill missing values.
seeds : int
The random seed used.
outDir : str
The path to the output data directory.
Performs the cleaning procedure according to the constructor arguments.
Saves the current object using pickle serialization.
>>> data = pd.DataFrame({"A": ["Sally", "Freddy", "Johnny"],
... "B": ["cat", "dog", None],
... "C": [14, 22, 43]})
>>> data.to_pickle("myRawData")
>>> data_path = "myRawData.pkl"
>>> moon = Moon(data=data_path,
... dropColumns=["A"],
... encoding=["one_hot"],
... scaler="standard",
... imputeColumns=["B"],
... imputeMethod=["mode"])
>>> moon.fit()
>>> moon.imputeData.to_pickle("myCleanData")
def __init__(
Constructor for Moon class.
Initializes a Moon object and sets cleaning parameters.
data : str or pd.DataFrame
The path to the raw data file or a pandas dataframe of raw data.
dropColumns : list, optional
A list of column names that will be dropped from the clean data.
encoding : list or str, optional
The encoding method(s) used for categorical variables.
scaler : str, optional
The scaling method used.
imputeColumns : list, optional
A list of column names containing missing values.
imputeMethods : list, optional
A list of imputation methods used to fill missing values.
id : None, optional
The ID of the Moon object.
seed : None, optional
The random seed used.
super().__init__(data_path=data, clean_path=None, projection_path=None)
self.dropColumns = dropColumns
self.encoding = encoding
self.scaler = scaler
self.imputeColumns = imputeColumns
self.imputeMethods = imputeMethods
self.id = id
self.seed = seed
self.imputeData = None
def fit(self):
Performs the cleaning procedure according to the constructor arguments.
Initializes the imputeData member as a DataFrame, which is a scaled,
numeric, and complete representation of the original raw data set.
>>> moon = Moon()
>>> moon.fit()
self.imputeData = inner_utils.add_imputed_flags(self.data, self.imputeColumns)
for index, column in enumerate(self.imputeColumns):
impute_function = getattr(inner_utils, self.imputeMethods[index])
self.imputeData[column] = impute_function(self.data[column], self.seed)
self.dropColumns = [col for col in self.dropColumns if col in self.data.columns]
# Drop Columns
if not self.dropColumns == []:
self.imputeData = self.data.drop(columns=self.dropColumns)
# Drop Rows with Nans
self.imputeData.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
if type(self.encoding) == str:
self.encoding = [
for _ in range(
# Encoding
assert len(self.encoding) == len(
), f"length of encoding: {len(self.encoding)}, length of cat variables: {len(self.imputeData.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns)}"
for i, column in enumerate(
encoding = self.encoding[i]
if encoding == "one_hot":
if self.imputeData[column].dtype == object:
self.imputeData = pd.get_dummies(
self.imputeData, prefix=f"OH_{column}", columns=[column]
elif encoding == "integer":
if self.imputeData[column].dtype == object:
vals = self.imputeData[column].values
self.imputeData[column] = inner_utils.integer_encoder(vals)
elif encoding == "hash":
if self.imputeData[column].dtype == object:
hashing_encoder = ce.HashingEncoder(cols=[column], n_components=10)
self.imputeData = hashing_encoder.fit_transform(self.imputeData)
# Scaling
assert self.scaler in ["standard"], "Invalid Scaler"
if self.scaler == "standard":
scaler = StandardScaler()
self.imputeData = pd.DataFrame(
def save(self, file_path):
Saves the current object using pickle serialization.
file_path : str
The file path for the object to be written to.
>>> moon = Moon()
>>> moon.fit()
>>> moon.save("myMoonObject.pkl")
with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(self, f)