Source code for thema.multiverse.system.outer.oort

# File: multiverse/system/outer/
# Last Update: 05/15/24
# Updated by: JW

import glob
import importlib
import itertools
import os
import pickle

from omegaconf import OmegaConf

from .... import config
from ....core import Core
from ....utils import create_file_name, function_scheduler

[docs] class Oort(Core): """ The space of COMET objects. ---------------------------- The Oort cloud, sometimes called the Öpik–Oort cloud, is theorized to be a vast cloud of icy planetesimals surrounding the Sun at distances ranging from 2,000 to 200,000 AU. Our Oort class generates a space of projected representations of an original, high dimensional dataset. Though sometimes it can be difficult to see through the cloud of projections, our tools allow you to easily navigate this terrain and properly explore your data. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame of raw data. params : dict, optional A parameter dictionary. Default is None. cleanDir : str, optional Path to the clean data directory. Default is None. outDir : str, optional Path to the out data directory. Default is None. YAML_PATH : str, optional Path to the YAML parameter file. Default is None. Attributes ---------- data : pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame of raw data. params : dict A parameter dictionary. cleanDir : str Path to the clean data directory. outDir : str Path to the out data directory. YAML_PATH : str Path to the YAML parameter file. Methods ------- get_data_path() -> str Returns the path to the raw data file. fit() -> None Fits projection space. save(file_path: str) -> None Saves object as a pickle file. getParams() -> dict Returns a dictionary of parameters. writeParams_toYaml(YAML_PATH: str) -> None Writes out the specified parameters to a YAML file. Examples -------- >>> cleanDir = "<PATH TO MOON OBJECT FILES>" >>> data = "<PATH TO RAW DATA FILE>" >>> outDir = "<PATH TO OUT DIRECTORY OF PROJECTIONS>" >>> params = { ... "umap" : { ... "nn" : [2, 5, 10], ... "minDist" : [0.1, 0.5], ... "dimensions" : [2], ... "seed" : [42] ... } ... } >>> oort = Oort( ... params=params, ... data=data, ... cleanDir=cleanDir, ... outDir=outDir, ... YAML_PATH=None ... ) >>> Note ---- `` will produce 6 * len(os.listdir(cleanDir)) files in `outDir` in this example. """ def __init__( self, params=None, data=None, cleanDir=None, outDir=None, YAML_PATH=None, verbose=False, ): """ Constructs an OORT instance. Parameters ---------- data : str, optional Path to input data. cleanDir : str, optional Path to directory containing saved Moon Objects. outDir : str, optional The directory path where the projection data will be saved. params : dict, optional A parameter dictionary specifying projectors and corresponding parameter lists. **Behavior** {"projector0_name" : {"proj0_parameter0":[list of proj0_parameter0 values], "proj0_parameter1": [list of proj0_parameter1 values]}, "projector1_name": {"proj1_parameter0": [list of proj1_parameter0 values]} } YAML_PATH : str, optional The path to a YAML file containing configuration settings. Default is None. verbose : bool, optional Set to True to see warnings and print messages. Examples -------- >>> cleanDir = "<PATH TO MOON OBJECT FILES>" >>> data = "<PATH TO RAW DATA FILE>" >>> outDir = "<PATH TO OUT DIRECTORY OF PROJECTIONS>" >>> params = { ... "umap" : { ... "nn" : [2, 5, 10], ... "minDist" : [0.1, 0.5], ... "dimensions" : [2], ... "seed" : [42] ... } ... } >>> oort = Oort( ... params=params, ... data=data, ... cleanDir=cleanDir, ... outDir=outDir, ... YAML_PATH=None, ... verbose=True ... ) >>> """ if YAML_PATH is not None: self.YAML_PATH = YAML_PATH assert os.path.isfile( YAML_PATH ), f"yaml parameter file could not be found: {YAML_PATH}" try: with open(YAML_PATH, "r") as f: yamlParams = OmegaConf.load(f) except Exception as e: print(e) data = cleanDir = os.path.join(yamlParams.outDir, yamlParams.runName + "/clean/") outDir = os.path.join( yamlParams.outDir, yamlParams.runName + "/projections/" ) if type(yamlParams.Oort.projectiles) == str: projectors = [yamlParams.Oort.projectiles] else: projectors = yamlParams.Oort.projectiles self.params = {} for projector in projectors: self.params[projector] = yamlParams.Oort[projector] elif params is not None: self.YAML_PATH = None self.params = params else: raise ValueError( "please provide a parameter dictionary or a valid Yaml Parameter File" ) super().__init__(data_path=data, clean_path=None, projection_path=None) self.cleanDir = cleanDir self.outDir = outDir self.verbose = verbose assert self.cleanDir is not None, "Missing 'cleanDir' parameter'" assert self.outDir is not None, "Missing 'outDir paramter' parameter" assert os.path.isdir(self.cleanDir), "Invalid clean data directory." assert ( len(os.listdir(self.cleanDir)) > 0 ), "No clean data found. Please make sure you generated clean data." for proj in self.params.keys(): assert ( proj in config.tag_to_class.keys() ), f"{proj} is currently not a supported projectile." if not os.path.isdir(self.outDir): try: os.makedirs(self.outDir) except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] def fit(self): """ Configure and run your projections. Uses the `ProcessPoolExecutor` library to spawn multiple projectile instances and fit them. Returns ------- None Saves projections to the specified outDir Examples -------- >>> oort = Oort() >>> """ subprocesses = [] for projectorName, projectorParamsDict in self.params.items(): projConfig = config.tag_to_class[projectorName] cfg = getattr(config, projConfig) module = importlib.import_module(cfg.module, package="thema") projector = module.initialize() file_pattern = os.path.join(self.cleanDir, "*.pkl") valid_files = glob.glob(file_pattern) for i, cleanFile in enumerate(valid_files): parameter_combinations = itertools.product( itertools.product( *[ projectorParamsDict[attr] for attr in sorted(cfg.__annotations__) if attr not in ["name", "module"] ] ) ) cleanFile = os.path.join(self.cleanDir, cleanFile) for j, combination in enumerate(parameter_combinations): projectorParameters = { key: value for key, value in zip( sorted(projectorParamsDict.keys()), combination[0] ) } cmd = ( self._instantiate_projection, self.get_data_path(), cleanFile, projector, projectorParameters, projectorName, f"{j}_{i}", ) subprocesses.append(cmd) # TODO: optimize max-Works based on OS availability function_scheduler( subprocesses, 4, "SUCCESS: Projection(s)", resilient=True, verbose=self.verbose, )
def _instantiate_projection( self, data, cleanFile, projector, projectorParameters, projectorName, id ): """ Helper function for the fit() method. Creates a projectile instance and fits it. Parameters ---------- data : str Path to the input data. cleanFile : str Path to the complete, scaled, encoded data file. projector : class Projector class to be configured and fitted. projectorParameters : dict Parameter configuration for the projector. projectorName : str Name of the projector class. id : int Identifier. Returns ------- None See Also -------- Comet : Class that provides more information on an individual fit. projectiles directory : Directory containing information on projectiles. Examples -------- >>> data = "/path/to/data.csv" >>> cleanFile = "/path/to/clean_data.csv" >>> projector = MyProjector >>> projectorParameters = {"param1": 10, "param2": "abc"} >>> projectorName = "MyProjector" >>> id = 1 >>> _instantiate_projection(data, cleanFile, projector, projectorParameters, projectorName, id) """ my_projector = projector( data_path=data, clean_path=cleanFile, **projectorParameters ) output_file = create_file_name( className=projectorName, classParameters=projectorParameters, id=id ) output_file = os.path.join(self.outDir, output_file)
[docs] def getParams(self): """ Get the parameters used to initialize the space of Comets in this Oort. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the parameters used to initialize an Oort instance. Examples -------- >>> oort = Oort() >>> params = oort.getParams() >>> print(params) { "params": {...}, # dictionary containing the parameters used to initialize the Oort instance "data": "/path/to/data", # path to the data "cleanDir": True, # whether to clean the directory "outDir": "/path/to/output" # path to the output directory } """ return { "params": self.params, "data": self.get_data_path(), "cleanDir": self.cleanDir, "outDir": self.outDir, }
[docs] def writeParams_toYaml(self, YAML_PATH=None): """ Write out the specified parameters to a YAML type file. Parameters ---------- YAML_PATH : str (filepath), optional The path to an existing .yaml type file. If not provided, the value of `self.YAML_PATH` will be used. If `self.YAML_PATH` is also `None`, a `ValueError` will be raised. Returns ------ None Saves a yaml file to the specified YAML_PATH. Raises ------ ValueError If `YAML_PATH` is `None` and `self.YAML_PATH` is also `None`. TypeError If the file path specified by `YAML_PATH` does not point to a YAML file. Examples -------- Example usage of `writeParams_toYaml`: >>> oort = Oort() >>> oort.writeParams_toYaml('/path/to/params.yaml') YAML file successfully updated """ if YAML_PATH is None and self.YAML_PATH is not None: YAML_PATH = self.YAML_PATH if YAML_PATH is None and self.YAML_PATH is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a valid filepath to YAML") if not os.path.isfile(YAML_PATH): raise TypeError("File path does not point to a YAML file") with open(YAML_PATH, "r") as f: params = OmegaConf.load(f) params.Oort = self.getParams()["params"] params.Oort.projectiles = list(self.getParams()["params"].keys()) with open(YAML_PATH, "w") as f:, f) print("YAML file successfully updated")
[docs] def save(self, file_path): """ Save the current object instance to a file using pickle serialization. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the file where the object will be saved. Raises ------ IOError If there is an error while saving the object to the file. Examples -------- >>> obj = MyClass() >>>"data.pkl") # Save the object to a file named "data.pkl" """ try: with open(file_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f) except IOError as e: print(e)