Source code for thema.multiverse.system.outer.projectiles.tsneProj

# File: multiverse/system/outer/projectiles/
# Last Update: 05/15/24
# Updated by: JW

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

from ..comet import Comet

[docs] def initialize(): """ Returns the tsneProj class object from module. This is a general method that allows us to initialize arbitrary projectile objects. Returns ------- tsneProj : object The t-SNE projectile object. """ return tsneProj
[docs] class tsneProj(Comet): """ t-SNE Projectile Class. Inherits from Comet. Projects data into lower dimensional space using the T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding. See: Members --------- data : pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe of raw data. clean : pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe of complete, encoded, and scaled data. projectionArray : np.array A projection array. perplexity : int A tsne configuration parameter. dimensions : int Number of dimensions for the embedding. seed : int Seed for randomization. Functions ---------- fit() Fits a tsne projection from given parameters and saves to projectionArray. save() Saves tsneProj to `.pkl` serialized object file. """ def __init__(self, data_path, clean_path, perplexity, dimensions, seed): """ Constructs a tsneProj instance. Parameters ---------- data_path : str The path to the data file. clean_path : str The path to save the cleaned data file. perplexity : int Related to the number of nearest neighbors. dimensions : int The number of dimensions for the embedding. seed : int The seed for randomization. """ super().__init__(data_path, clean_path) self.perplexity = perplexity self.dimensions = dimensions self.seed = seed
[docs] def fit(self): """ Performs a TSNE projection based on the configuration parameters. Returns ------ None Initializes projectionArray member. """ data = self.clean tsne = TSNE( n_components=self.dimensions, random_state=self.seed, perplexity=self.perplexity, ) self.projectionArray = tsne.fit_transform(data)