Source code for thema.probe.telescope

# File: probe/
# Last Update: 05/15/24
# Updated by: JW

import importlib
import pickle

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
import seaborn as sns

pio.renderers.default = "browser"

from .. import config
from .data_utils import get_nearestTarget, sunset_dict
from .visual_utils import (

[docs] class Telescope: """ Telescope Class - to view star objects a suite to meet all your visualization needs Members ------ pos: n-dimensional array node positioning data for graphs and components Functions --------- makeGraph() Visualize a graph! makeHeatmap() Visualize a breakdown of your connected components as a heatmap! makeSankey() Create a sankey diagram from a custom score_function makePathGraph() Creates a shortest-path graph for a single component, based based on a custom definition of target nodes Example -------- >>> star_fp = '<PATH TO FILE>/jmap_clustererHDBSCANmin_cluster_size10_minIntersection-1_nCubes10_percOverlap0.6_id3_3.pkl' >>> telscope_instance = Telescope(star_fp) """ def __init__(self, star_file): """ Constructs a Telescope Instance Parameters ---------- star_file : str filepath to a pickled star object """ with open(star_file, "rb") as f: star_name = type(pickle.load(f)).__name__ obv_configName = config.star_to_observatory[star_name] cfg = getattr(config, obv_configName) module = importlib.import_module(cfg.module) Observatory = module.initialize() self.observatory = Observatory(star_file) self._pos = nx.spring_layout(, k=0.12, seed=6 ) @property def pos(self): """ Get the position of the telescope. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The position of the telescope. Notes ----- This member variable ensures that graph layouts are held constant when viewing graphs, groups/components, and path graphs. It is updated when updating seed and k in the `makeGraph()` and `makePathGraph()` functions. """ return self._pos @pos.setter def pos(self, positions): """ Set the positions to support resetting and storing positions across make<VISUAL>() functions. Parameters ---------- positions : list or array-like The positions to be set. Returns ------- None """ self._pos = positions
[docs] def makeGraph( self, group_number: int = None, k: float = None, seed: int = None, col: str = None, aggregation_func=None, hideLegend: bool = False, node_size_multiple: int = 10, ): """ Visualize a graph! Parameters -------- group_number : int graph connected component number to subset the visualization to For example, just show component 1 and not the entire graph k : float, default None value from 0-1, determines optimal distance between nodes setting nx.spring_layout positions seed : int, default None Random state for deterministic node layouts, defaulted so graph representations are reproducable setting nx.spring_layout positions col : str Column to color nodes by - from the raw data aggregation_func : np.<function>, defaults to calculating mean method by which to aggregate values within a node for coloring - color node by the median value or by the sum of values for example supports all numpy aggregation functions such as np.mean, np.median, np.sum, etc hideLegend : bool, default False toggle the graph/component's legend on or off node_size_multiple : int, 10 change the node sizing ╭────────────────────────────────╮ │ NODE SIZING OPTIONS -- WIP | ╰────────────────────────────────╯ Example ------ Visualize connected component #3 with nodes colored by the sum of total pollution of coal plants in the node (example using a dataset on coal plant impacts) >>> tel = Telescope(star_filePath) >>> tel.makeGraph(group_number=3, col="Total Pollution", aggregation_func=np.sum) """ assert aggregation_func is None or callable( aggregation_func ), "aggregation_func must be a function or None" if col is None and aggregation_func is not None: raise KeyError( "Cannot use a node-color aggregation function if coloring nodes by GROUP (CONNECTED COMPONENT)" ) if group_number is None: G = elif group_number in self.observatory.get_group_numbers(): G =[group_number] else: raise ValueError("Group number not found in graph components list") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8), dpi=500) ax = fig.add_subplot() if col is not None: if aggregation_func is None: aggregation_func = lambda x: x.mean() aggregation_func.__name__ = "Mean" func_name = aggregation_func.__name__ color_dict, colors, norm = _column_color_mapping( obs=self.observatory, col=col, aggregation_func=aggregation_func, G=G ) else: color_dict, colors, norm = _group_color_mapping(obs=self.observatory, G=G) # --> size by number of items per node (note the *10 multiplier to increase node size) node_sizes = [ len(attrs.get("membership", []) * node_size_multiple) for _, attrs in G.nodes(data=True) ] if k is not None or seed is not None: self.pos = nx.spring_layout( G, k=k if k is not None else 0.12, seed=seed if seed is not None else 6 ) # Gen Graph Viz nx.draw( G, pos=self.pos, node_color=colors, node_size=node_sizes, font_size=8, font_color="white", width=0.5, edgecolors="white", ) ## --> create custom legend if not hideLegend: if col is None: unique_groups = list(set(color_dict.values())) legend_labels = [f"Group {group}" for group in unique_groups] legend_colors = legend_handles = [ plt.Line2D( [0], [0], marker="o", color="w", markerfacecolor=color, markersize=10, label=label, ) for color, label in zip(legend_colors, legend_labels) ] ax.legend( handles=legend_handles, labels=legend_labels, loc="best", fontsize="small", ) else: sm =, norm=norm) sm.set_array([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, shrink=0.65) ## --> label legend to indicate node-aggregation method cbar.set_label( f"{col} -- Node {func_name}", fontsize="small", labelpad=10 )
[docs] def makeHeatmap( self, nodeDescriptorCols: bool = True, ncols: int | list[str] = None, aggregation_func=None, topZscoreCols: bool = False, ): """ Visualize a breakdown of your connected components! Parameters --------- ncols : int | List[Any], default 15 int: the number of columns to visualize, selected from the front of your data list[str]: a list of specific columns from your data to create a heatmap of aggregation_func : np.<function>, defaults to calculating mean method by which to aggregate values within a node for coloring - color node by the median value or by the sum of values for example supports all numpy aggregation functions such as np.mean, np.median, np.sum, etc topZscoreCols : bool = False, visualize the ncols with the highest zscores with a group -- in other words, the columns in which one or more groups is the MOST different than the dataset norm Overrides a ncols int specification nodeDescriptorCols : bool = True, Smart select columns to view in your heatmap, based on a density representing the composition of a group by its nodes' descriptions. Overrides a ncols int specification Returns -------- n/a : displays an inline matplotlib.plt ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │ TODO - Dynamically select `ncols` based on cols w/ highest variance between groups for default viz | ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ Example -------- >>> tel = Telescope(star_filePath) >>> tel.makeHeatmap(ncols=['Pollution', 'Health Impact'], aggregation_func=np.mean) """ assert isinstance( ncols, (int, list, type(None)) ), "`ncols` must be an integer, a list, or None!" assert aggregation_func is None or callable( aggregation_func ), "aggregation_func must be a function or None" data = self.observatory.get_aggregatedGroupDf(aggregation_func).drop( columns=["Group"] ) if isinstance(ncols, list): if all(col in self.observatory.clean.columns for col in ncols): data = data[ncols] else: raise UserWarning( "Please ensure `ncols` contains columns from the CLEAN dataset" ) ## --> dynamic col selection implemented, based on highest zscores elif topZscoreCols: zscore_cols = list(self.observatory.dataset_zscores_df(ncols).columns) data = data[zscore_cols] ## --> dynamic col selection implemented, based on node descriptors elif nodeDescriptorCols: nodeIdentifiers = self.observatory.get_group_descriptions() sub_keys = set() for _, sub_dict in nodeIdentifiers.items(): sub_keys.update(sub_dict.keys()) sub_keys_list = list(sub_keys) data = data[sub_keys_list] else: data = ( self.observatory.get_aggregatedGroupDf(aggregation_func) .iloc[:, :ncols] .drop(columns=["Group"]) ) ## --> format annotations so base-data is clean/encoded/scaled and box labeling is based on the raw data annotations = self.observatory.get_aggregatedGroupDf( aggregation_func, clean=False ).drop(columns=["Group"]) annotations = _match_column_order(data, annotations) normalized_df = _normalize_df(data) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3), dpi=1000) ax = sns.heatmap( normalized_df, annot=annotations, # annot=normalized_df, fmt=".2f", # vmin=0, # vmax=1, cbar=False, annot_kws={"size": 7}, cmap="coolwarm", linewidths=0.5, ) ## --> reduce font size + format annotations to ensure text does not run out of heatmap box for text in ax.texts: value = text.get_text() num_digits = len(value.replace(".", "")) if num_digits <= 6: text.set_fontsize(6) elif 7 <= num_digits <= 5: text.set_fontsize(5) elif num_digits == 9: text.set_fontsize(4) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=35, ha="right", fontsize=8) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0, ha="right", fontsize=10) # --> to remove xaxis labels # plt.xticks([]) plt.ylabel("Group Number")
[docs] def makeSankey( self, score_function, dropUnclustered: bool = True, title_text: str = None ): """ Creates a Sankey Diagram based on the score function. Parameters ---------- score_function: function, pd:DataFrame -> List score_function must take in a dataframe and return a classification (categorical) of elements. Example ------ Assuming data has columns "height" and "age" columns, one could define a score function as follows: ``` def my_score_function(df): scores = 0.5 * df['height'] + 2 * df['age'] labels = ['high' if score > 20 else 'low' for score in scores] return labels ``` """ sankey_df = pd.DataFrame() sankey_df["Group"] = self.observatory.get_items_groupID ) sankey_df["Labels"] = score_function( if dropUnclustered: sankey_df = sankey_df[sankey_df["Group"] != -1] sankey_df = ( sankey_df.groupby(["Group", "Labels"]).size().reset_index(name="Value") ) # Create nodes from unique sources and targets nodes = list(set(sankey_df["Group"]).union(set(sankey_df["Labels"]))) # Create edges edges = [] for _, row in sankey_df.iterrows(): edges.append( (nodes.index(row["Group"]), nodes.index(row["Labels"]), row["Value"]) ) ## TODO --> color TARGETS differently (red:high, blue:low for example) # Also add interpolation between landmark colors for larger Sankeys num_nodes = len(nodes) colors = px.colors.sample_colorscale( px.colors.sequential.RdBu_r, [n / (num_nodes - 1) for n in range(num_nodes)] ) link_colors = _reduce_colorOpacity(colors, opacity=0.3) # Create Sankey diagram fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Sankey( node=dict( pad=15, thickness=20, line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), label=nodes, color=[colors[i] for i in range(len(nodes))], ), link=dict( source=[edge[0] for edge in edges], target=[edge[1] for edge in edges], value=[edge[2] for edge in edges], color=[link_colors[edge[0]] for edge in edges], ), ) ] ) # Update layout fig.update_layout( title_text=title_text, font_size=10, template="simple_white", )
[docs] def makePathGraph( self, col: str, group_number: int, aggregation_func=None, top: bool = True, percentage: float = 0.1, path_labels: bool = False, node_labels: bool = False, k: float = None, seed: int = None, node_size_multiple: int = 10, ): """ Make a shortest-path graph by identifying sink (target) nodes and visualizing distance to them Parameters ---------- col : str Column to color nodes by - from the raw data group_number : int graph connected component number to subset the visualization to For example, just show component 1 and not the entire graph aggregation_func : np.<function>, defaults to calculating mean method by which to aggregate values within a node for coloring - color node by the median value or by the sum of values for example supports all numpy aggregation functions such as np.mean, np.median, np.sum, etc top : bool, default True Whether to select the top n percentage or the bottom n percentage of nodes as target/sink nodes NOTE: corresponds to the `percentage` param percentage : float The n-th percentage of nodes to select as sinks/targets NOTE: corresponds to the `top` param labels : bool, False Add text labeling target nodes and which sink is closet to non-targets k : float, default 0.12 value from 0-1, determines optimal distance between nodes setting nx.spring_layout positions seed : int, default 12 Random state for deterministic node layouts, defaulted so graph representations are reproducible setting nx.spring_layout positions node_size_multiple : int, 10 change the node sizing path_labels : bool, default False add labels to the nodes indicating target nodes, and the target that each node is closest to. node_labels : bool, default False add labels to the nodes, showing their node IDs for getting node-level data. """ node_values = self.observatory.define_nodeValueDict( group_number, col, aggregation_func ) target_nodes = sunset_dict(node_values, percentage=percentage, top=top) G =[group_number] nearest_target, nearest_target_distance = get_nearestTarget( G, target_nodes, ) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8), dpi=500) ax = fig.add_subplot() node_sizes = [ len(attrs.get("membership", []) * node_size_multiple) for _, attrs in G.nodes(data=True) ] norm = plt.Normalize( min(nearest_target_distance.values()), max( nearest_target_distance.values(), ), ) if k is not None or seed is not None: self.pos = nx.spring_layout( G, k=k if k is not None else 0.12, seed=seed if seed is not None else 6, ) colors = nx.draw( G, pos=self.pos, with_labels=node_labels, node_color=colors, edgecolors="white", node_size=node_sizes, font_size=8, font_color="white", width=0.5, ) ## --> TODO dynamic node sizing target_sizes = 400 nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos=self.pos, nodelist=target_nodes, node_color="#3182BD", edgecolors="black", linewidths=1.5, node_size=target_sizes, ) ## --> add "S" labels inside sink nodes to represent they are targets if not node_labels: for target in target_nodes: plt.text( self.pos[target][0], self.pos[target][1], "S", color="white", fontsize=8, ha="center", va="center", fontweight="bold", ) if path_labels: ## --> add labels to the target nodes for target in target_nodes: plt.text( self.pos[target][0], self.pos[target][1], "TARGET", color="black", fontsize=8, ha="center", va="center", ) ## --> add labels to indicate which target is the closest to each non-target node for node, target in nearest_target.items(): if target is not None: if node != target: plt.text( self.pos[node][0], self.pos[node][1], f"Nearest: {target}", color="black", fontsize=8, ha="center", va="center", ) sm =, norm=norm) sm.set_array([]) plt.colorbar(sm, label="Distance to Nearest Sink", shrink=0.75, ax=ax)